1) HA MLS Gemini GT-3 capsule; two SCUBA men stand on the flotation gear out in sea. G2) HA CU Capsule, with line attacked leading up to the deck-edge elevator on USS INTREPID (CVS-11); two SCUBA men on flotation gear working with lines. G3) HA MLS Capsule and flotation gear; a line runs from capsule to top of frame.4) HA CU Same, showing men receiving another line. G5) HA CU Looking down over part of capsule, showing SCUBA men attaching crane hook; men then leave capsule. G6) HA MCU Capsule picked up out of water; water gushes from small end of capsule. G7) MS Capsule hanging at deck-edge level; SH-3A "copter in flight left BG. G8) MCU Two officers and enl"d man on deck in FG; one officer with a bullhorn; capsule hangs at deck-edge level in BG.9) MS Capsule swung inboard. G10) MS Two civilians unfastening flotation gear.11) MS Enl"d personnel standing in BG by capsule hanging over deck-edge elevator; civilians in FG by cradle. G12) MS Capsule moved over cradle, as NASA personnel hang on.13) MS Capsule in cradle on deck-edge elevator. G14) CU End view of capsule in cradle, with two NASA personnel unfastening the bolts to open the doors; one door is swung open on left side; man looks inside and man on right side opens the second door. G15) CU Looking down into interior of the capsule.16) MS Officers, along with the Astronauts, VTRGIL GRISSOM and JOHN YOUNG standing by a table in wardroom. G17) CU GRISSOM standing between two of the ship"s officers.18) MS Officers and Astronauts standing by the decorated table.19) MCU Astronauts and officers seated at table. G20) MS Officer talking into a mike, as an object is handed to GRISSOM (this is the sling that lifted him aboard the "copter); GRISSOM autographs the sling.21) CU YOUNG autographing the sling as GRISSOM looks on in BG (this is the sling that lifted the two Astronauts out of the life raft into "copter after their landing in the sea upon their completion of orbital flights around the earth).22) MCU GRISSOM and YOUNG seated at the table; Commander holds the sling, showing autographs.23) CU GRISSOM issued a plaque by the captain.24) CU Captain shaking hands with GRISSOM and YOUNG as they stand before the mike, each holding a plaque; plaques are turned around for photographers to see. G25) MS Captain at mike; GRISSOM and YOUNG off to right.26) MS Civilian talking into mike.27) MS GRISSOM and YOUNG looking at a colorful painting, which reads: "Molly Brown" at top; this was the name given the capsule by GRISSOM; GRISSOM moves back as YOUNG holds onto one side of painting. G28) CU YOUNG speaking into the two mikes in wardroom. G29) CU GRISSOM and YOUNG standing before mikes, with GRISSOM speaking to group.30) LA MLS Astronauts and officers seated at table during lunch. G31) ECU Looking down over the Gemini GT-3 capsule, with doors open; NASA personnel remove some small object on top. G32) HA MS NASA personnel working over the capsule, with doors open; capsule is on the deck-edge elevator; work stands are around the capsule (scenes are taken from flight deck). G33) HA ECU Looking down over open doors of capsule; photographer off to right taking still pictures. G34) HA MCU Two NASA men, one on each side of capsule, looking into interior; zoom in on the two men; man in flight gear steps up on stand and puts some object into the open capsule. G35) HA MS Capsule, with civilian personnel working over the capsule on deck-edge elevator.36) ECU End view of capsule. G37) CU Capsule, showing the small end. G38) CU Open door of capsule.39) CU Heat shield that is scorched; capsule is in cradle (SV). G40) CU Looking past heat shield and down along the side. G41) CU Capsule, showing the burned American flag painted on its side; words "United States" on side. G